General terms and conditions of booking and cancellation
At the time of booking you must pay a 30% deposit by bank transfer or credit card
Balance 30 days before departure
If you want to cancel your booking you must advise us with a cancellation notice (the calculation of the days does not include the date of the withdrawal and the communication must still be filed for a day on a business day – excluding Saturday – before the day of departure)
Regardless of the payment of the deposit, to compensate us for the risk, we make a cancellation charge on the scale shown below :
– up to 30 business days before arrival 10% of the participation fee.
– 29 to 18 working days before arrival 30% of the participation fee.
– 17 to 10 working days before arrival 50% of the participation fee.
– 10 to 4 business days before arrival 75% of the participation fee.
– Within 3 business days before arrival 100% of the participation fee